速報APP / 健康塑身 / GameFit Bike Race PRO - Exercise Powered

GameFit Bike Race PRO - Exercise Powered



檔案大小:339.9 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


GameFit Bike Race PRO - Exercise Powered Virtual Reality Fit(圖1)-速報App

Take me to the Gym! In this 3D Cycling Game, the harder you exercise, the faster you move!

See it in action! http://www.tinyurl.com/gamefitbike

★★★★★ "Great app - don't hesitate! - So glad I dusted off the old exercise bike. Am getting stronger every day and loving every minute!" (USA)

★★★★★ "Love this app! Gives a new dimension to getting on the exercise bike - fun! The road riding perspective and experience is superior to much pricier apps." (USA)

★★★★★ "…Works quite well following calibration. I'm about to upgrade to pro. Enough said!" (UK)

Take this game to the gym or use your exercise machine at home. Follow the simple calibration steps and burn calories while you race to win!

✓ NEW! 8 Beautiful Cycling Locations (PRO Version)

✓ NEW! Daytime, Sunset, or Midnight Rides (PRO Version)

GameFit Bike Race PRO - Exercise Powered Virtual Reality Fit(圖2)-速報App

✓ Responsive to Exercise Intensity

✓ Distance and Direction settings

✓ Automatic or Manual Steering

✓ Designed for Handheld Use

✓ Designed for Holder Use

✓ iPod Player or in-Game Music

✓ Universal App

Use with almost ANY exercise machine:

GameFit Bike Race PRO - Exercise Powered Virtual Reality Fit(圖3)-速報App

✓ Save profiles for all your exercise machines (PRO Version)

✓ Recumbent Exercise Bikes

✓ Upright Exercise Bikes

✓ Elliptical Machines

✓ Steppers

✓ Striders

✓ Rowing Machines

PLEASE NOTE: Treadmills are NOT RECOMMENDED! Any distraction on a treadmill may lead to serious injury!

GameFit Bike Race PRO - Exercise Powered Virtual Reality Fit(圖4)-速報App

So what are you waiting for? Get GameFit Now!

For more info or to see our other apps search "POTG" in the App Store

GameFit Bike Race PRO - Exercise Powered Virtual Reality Fit(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad